Allen Bradley

Date:2015-4-2     Hits:5086

ControlLogix Description
1756-A10 Allen Bradley Input/Output Chassis for 1756 I/O modules, 10 slots AB Rockwell Automation A10
1756-A13 Allen Bradley Input/Output Chassis for 1756 I/O modules, 13 slots AB Rockwell Automation A13
1756-A17 Allen Bradley Input/Output Chassis for 1756 I/O modules, 17 slots AB Rockwell Automation A17
1756-A4 Allen Bradley Input/Output Chassis for 1756 I/O modules, 4 slots AB Rockwell Automation A4
1756-A7 Allen Bradley Input/Output Chassis for 1756 I/O modules, 7 slots AB Rockwell Automation A7
1756-CNB Allen Bradley SLC 500 Bridge module AB ControlLogix Rockwell Automation CNB 1756CNB AB
1756-CNBR Allen Bradley 1756CNBR ControlNet Interface Bridge Module ControlLogix Network to a PLC-5
1756-DHRIO AB ControlLogix Data Highway Plus-Remote Communications Interface Module I/O 1756DHRIO
1756-DNB AB ControlLogix DeviceNet Bridge Interface Control Communications Module I/O 1756DNB DNB
1756-EN2T High Capacity Ethernet IP Bridge Copper 256 Logix Connections Communication Module EN2T
1756-ENBT Allen Bradley 1756ENBT Ethernet Module IP Bridge Copper 128 Logix Connection Communication
1756-ENET ENET/A and ENET/B Ethernet TCP/IP Communications Interface Connection Module 1756ENET
1756-IA16 1756IA16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 120 VAC,16 point AC (74132V) AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IA16I 1756IA16I Allen Bradley Input Module, 120 VAC, Isolated, 6 point AB Rockwell Automation IA16I
1756-IA32 1756IA32 Allen Bradley Input Module, 120 VAC,32 point AB Module IA32 Rockwell Automation
1756-IB16 1756IB16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink 16 point Module AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IB16I Allen Bradley Input Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink/Source, Isolated, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IB32 1756IB32 Allen Bradley Input Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink, 32 point AB IB32 Rockwell Automation
1756-IC16 1756IC16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 48 VDC, Sink, 16 point IC16 Mod AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IF16 1756IF16 Allen Bradley Analog Input, Voltage, 16 channel Module IF16 AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IF61 Volt Regulator ControlLogix AB 1756-IF61 1756-IF6I 1756-1F6I 1756-IF6 1756-IF 1756IF61
1756-IF6CIS 1756IF6CIS Allen Bradley Analog Input, Current Sourcing, Isolated, 6 channel AB Rockwell Auto
1756-IF6I 1756IF6I Allen Bradley Analog Input, Voltage, Isolated, 6 channel Mod AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IF8 1756IF8 Allen Bradley Analog Input, Voltage, 8 channel Module 1756 AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IF8H Allen Bradley 1756IF8H Analog Input Module 8 pt IF8H Input Analog Module Rockwell Auto
1756-IG16 1756IG16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 5 VDC, Source, 16 point Module AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IH16I 1756IH16I Allen Bradley Input Module, 125 VDC, Sink/Source, Isolated, 16 point AB Rockwell
1756-IM16I 1756IM16I Allen Bradley Input Module, 240 VAC, Isolated,16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IN16 1756IN16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 24 VAC,16 point Module IN16 AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IR6I 1756IR6I Allen Bradley RTD Input, Isolated, 6 channel Module IR6I AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IT6I 1756IT6I SLC500 Thermocouple Input Isolated B, E, J, K, R, S, T, N, C; 6 ch. 1 CJC AB Rockwell
1756-IT6I2 1756IT6I2 SLC 500 Thermocouple Input, Isolated, B, E, J, K, R, S, T, N, C, L, D; 6 ch., 2 CJC AB
1756-IV16 1756IV16 Allen Bradley Input Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-IV32 1756IV32 Allen Bradley Input Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, 32 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L1 1756L1 Allen Bradley SLC500 Processor 160K Base Memory Expandable Rockwell Automation
1756-L1M1 1756L1M1 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Processor, 512K Memory Module AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L1M2 1756L1M2 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Processor,1M Memory Module AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L1M3 1756L1M3 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Processor, 2M Memory Module AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L55M12 1756L55M12 ControlLogix Processor, 750K Memory, 208K Input/Output AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L55M13 1756L55M13 ControlLogix Processor 1536K Memory 208K Input/Output AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L55M14 1756L55M14 ControlLogix Processor 3584K Memory 208K Input/Output AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L55M16 1756L55M16 ControlLogix Processor 7680K Memory 208K Input/Output AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L55M22 1756L55M22 Processor, 750K Memory, 208K Input/Output, 750K Non-volatile AB Rockwell Auto
1756-L55M23 1756L55M23 Processor, 1536K Memory, 208K Input/Output, 1.5M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Auto
1756-L55M24 1756L55M24 3584K Memory, 208K Input/Output, 3.5M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Automation
1756-L61 1756L61 Processor, 2048K Memory, 478K Input/Output, 64M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Autom
1756-L62 1756L62Processor, 4096K Memory, 478K Input/Output, 64M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Autom
1756-L63 1756L63 Processor, 8196K Memory, 478K Input/Output, 64M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Autom
1756-L64 1756L64 Processor, 16,384K Memory, 478K Input/Output, 64M Non-volatile AB Rockwell Auto
1756-L72 AB 4MB 1 USB Port Allen Bradley PLC Module Rockwell Automation L72 ControlLogix 1756L72
1756-L73 Allen Bradley 1756L73 LOGIX5673 Processor Allen Bradley PLC Module Rockwell Automation
1756-L75 1756-L75 Allen Bradley ControlLogix Controller Allen Bradley PLC Module Rockwell Automation
1756-M1 Allen Bradley 1756M1 ControlLogix Memory Module 512K Words Allen Bradley Rockwell Auto
1756-MO2AE AB ControlLogix Input Module Servo Analog Encoder 1756-MO2A 1756-MO2 1756-MO 1756-M
1756-MVI AB ControlLogix Interface Module 1756-MV 1756-M Allen Bradley PLC Module Rockwell Autom
1756-OA16 1756OA16 Allen Bradley Output Module, 120/240 VAC, 16 point. AB Rockwell Automation PLC
1756-OA16I 1756OA16I Allen Bradley Output Module, 120/240 VAC, Isolated, 16 point. AB Rockwell Autom
1756-OA8 1756OA8 Allen Bradley Output Module, 120/240 VAC, 8 point. AB Rockwell Automation PLC
1756-OA8E 1756OA8E Allen Bradley Output Module, 120 VAC, Electronic Fuse, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OB16D Allen Bradley ControlLogix 1756OB16D Output Module 16 pt Allen Bradley PLC Module Rockwell
1756-OB16E 1756OB16E Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, Electronic Fuse, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OB16I 1756OB16I Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink/Source, Isolated, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OB32 1756OB32 Allen Bradley Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, 32 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OB8 1756OB8 Allen Bradley Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OB8EI 1756OB8EI Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, Isolated, Electronic Fuse, 8 point AB Rockwell
1756-OB8I 1756OB8I Allen Bradley Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Source, Isolated, 8 point AB Rockwell Auto
1756-OC8 1756OC8 Allen Bradley Output Module, 48 VDC, Source, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation PLC
1756-OF4 1756OF4 Allen Bradley Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 channel AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OF6CI 1756OF6CI Allen Bradley Analog Output, Current, Isolated, 6 channel AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OF6VI 1756OF6VI Allen Bradley Analog Output, Voltage, Isolated, 6 channel AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OF8 1756OF8 Allen Bradley Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 8 channel AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OG16 1756OG16 Allen Bradley Output Module, 5 VDC, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation PLC Control
1756-OH8I 1756OH8I Output Module, 120 VDC, Sink/Source, Isolated, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-ON8 1756ON8 Allen Bradley Output Module, 24 VAC, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation PLC Control
1756-OV16E 1756OV16E Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink, Electronic Fuse, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OV32E 1756OV32E Output Module, 12/24 VDC, Sink, Electronic Fuse, 32 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OW16I 1756OW16I Allen Bradley Output Module, Relay, Isolated, 16 point AB Rockwell Automation
1756-OX8I 1756OX8I Allen Bradley Output Module, Relay, Isolated, 8 point AB Rockwell Automation PLC
1756-PA72 1756PA72 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 120/240 VAC, Series A/B AB Rockwell Automation
1756-PA75 1756PA75 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 120/240 VAC, Series B AB Rockwell Automation
1756-PB72 1756PB72 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 24 VDC, Series A/B AB Rockwell Automation
1756-PB75 1756PB75 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 24 VDC, Series B AB Rockwell Automation
1756-PC75 1756PC75 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 48 VDC, Series B AB Rockwell Automation
1756-PH75 1756PH75 Allen Bradley SLC 500 Power Supply, 125 VDC, Series B AB Rockwell Automation
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